6 Brand Positioning Models Designed to Fuel Your Success

6 Brand Positioning Models Designed to Fuel Your Success

In today’s hyper-competitive market, consumers are constantly bombarded with information. Whether it’s product ads on their social feeds, commercials, or marketing emails.

With all the noise out there, developing a strong positioning strategy is an integral piece of differentiating yourself from competitors and fostering loyalty among your target audience.

How you opt to position your brand lives at the heart of your brand’s identity and communicates what makes your business different from competitors. What value do you offer? Why should your ideal customer choose to do business with you, and you alone?

13 Incredibly Relatable GIFs for Marketers

13 Incredibly Relatable GIFs for Marketers

As marketers, we have a knack for making our jobs look effortless and pain-free. But in reality, it’s no easy feat.

From the emotional highs to the days our inner voice is screaming, “You should’ve stayed in bed” – traversing the marketing space means weathering a lot of curve balls. Think about it: the landscape is always evolving, as emerging trends, new social guidelines, and changing consumer sentiment requires us to revamp our strategy.

Branding Playlist: 5 Songs That’ll Improve Your Marketing Efforts

Branding Playlist: 5 Songs That’ll Improve Your Marketing Efforts

Unlike the lyrics of your favorite songs, the digital marketing space isn’t set in stone.

It’s a living, breathing entity that moves, grooves, and requires you to continually uplevel your strategy to ensure you’re setting yourself up for success.

From building customer loyalty to using storytelling to foster trust, here are five songs that can help you improve your marketing and branding efforts.