Brand Identity

Branding Playlist: 5 Songs That’ll Improve Your Marketing Efforts

Branding Playlist: 5 Songs That’ll Improve Your Marketing Efforts

Unlike the lyrics of your favorite songs, the digital marketing space isn’t set in stone.

It’s a living, breathing entity that moves, grooves, and requires you to continually uplevel your strategy to ensure you’re setting yourself up for success.

From building customer loyalty to using storytelling to foster trust, here are five songs that can help you improve your marketing and branding efforts.

New Strategy: In 2022, It’s Time To Creatively Humanize Your Brand

New Strategy: In 2022, It’s Time To Creatively Humanize Your Brand

Prioritizing audience trust and connection is more important than ever before.

Over the last few years, there have been major changes in the way consumers interact with brands. For example, nearly 89% of Americans are on social media, seeing ads based on their preferences, following their favorite companies and CEOs, and often interacting with brands.

How you show up on social media, reply to reviews, present your story, and pitch your products matters.

Read this month's blog to find out what it means to humanize your brand and learn creative tips to get started today.

Gratitude and Open Doors in 2021

Gratitude and Open Doors in 2021

Despite the continued swirling of the world around us, JonesHaus experienced a successful year. As we wrap up the last month of 2021, we're looking back to appreciate everything we learned and accomplished.

Perhaps our insights can inspire appreciation and increase your own momentum.

Don’t Be Afraid to Mix It Up: The Case for Using Print In A Digital World

Don’t Be Afraid to Mix It Up: The Case for Using Print In A Digital World

Is print dead?

Do printed mediums still drive results?

Should I invest in print?

If you find yourself asking these types of questions, you’re not alone.

In today’s digital world, there are a myriad of marketing tools you can utilize to get your brand and offerings in front of consumers across the globe.

From Papa Mountain to Cassava Breads: A Case Study in Rebranding

From Papa Mountain to Cassava Breads: A Case Study in Rebranding

Sometimes, a business outgrows its brand altogether by shifting focus, adapting to serve a different market, or simply embracing a new creative direction. Rebranding happens either because of a drastic strategic change, or simply because it’s the natural next step for a company.

Whatever the reason, rebranding is often the key ingredient to a business’s growth.

Why Small Companies Want to Act Big, and Big Companies Yearn to Feel Small

Why Small Companies Want to Act Big, and Big Companies Yearn to Feel Small

We’ve seen a lot of cultural shifts happen since the start of the pandemic.

One of the best examples to sum them up: TV show hosts and news anchors broadcasting from their kitchens.

More than ever before, larger companies want to feel familiar and build intimate relationships with their customers. Smaller companies, who have a natural edge there, get to focus on looking more refined — and more than ever, they have the tools and resources to do so.

Case Study: A Website Redesign as Stunning as This True Creative Soul

Case Study: A Website Redesign as Stunning as This True Creative Soul

Rebranding is one of our specialties here at JonesHaus, and it’s also one of our favorite things to do for growing businesses! Why? Because we love to see how rebranding can breathe new life into a company by reminding the world of who you are and what you offer, aesthetically attracting the right customers and inspiring the team internally to reach new heights.

We recently redesigned a website that turned out simply stunning:

Amanda Jewel offers floral design with incredible artistry and provides outstanding experiences for their customers. Now, their website finally does their work justice.